


■ART & ANIMATION(アートとアニメーション)


Fixed an issue where facial hair adornments would be improperly removed when entering a crafting station.

Character models will no longer drop while rotating during character creation.





Updated the game audio to ambiance spatialization for a fuller stereo image and smoother biome transitions.

Fixed an issue with some waterfall sound effects that were cutting off on lower graphics settings.

Fixed an issue where backing out of certain Collections menus made no sound while on Gamepad Mode.

Added missing audio when interacting with various buttons on the Character Select screen

Jumping while crouched or in stealth will once again cause your footsteps to make sounds.








The Enchanting Certification quest now has hints telling you which runes do what to get you the Trifling Glyph of Health, if you don't already have those glyphs discovered.

・符呪のクエストにおいて、まだグリフの効果を発見していなくても「Trifling Glyph of Health」の作成に必要なのがどのルーンかのヒントが出るようになりました。

Guild Tabards(ギルド陣羽織)

Fixed an issue where Guild Tabards were not equipping onto your characters.

Guild Tabards are now displayed in the character preview for the Heraldry tab whether they have a costume equipped or not.




Fixed an issue where an equipped outfit slot would not save properly.

Fixed an issue where the arrowhead and fletching would not change to the correct color when changing outfits.



■CROWN STORE & CROWN CRATES(クラウンストア・クラウン木枠箱)


You can now purchase multiples of repeat purchasable items at a time.

Moved Outfit Slots from the Crafting category into the Upgrades category.

Moved Outfit Tokens from the Crafting category into Upgrades -> Service Tokens category.

Moved Outfit Styles from the Crafting category into the Wardrobe category.

Split the Account subcategory, under Upgrades, into Character Slots and Collector's Packs.

Added the Armory Slots under Upgrades -> Armory Slots.

Pacrooti no longer hitches into position if you open the Crown Crate window while moving.








■DUNGEONS & GROUP CONTENT(ダンジョン・グループコンテンツ)


You will now utilize “Joining Encounter in Progress” to travel to a dungeon boss when it is engaged by the group. This will eventually roll out to all existing dungeons, but below is a list of the dungeons that currently have this functionality added:

Bloodroot Forge

City of Ash II

Cradle of Shadows

Crypt of Hearts II

Darkshade Caverns II

Elden Hollow II

Falkreath Hold

Fang Lair

Imperial City Prison

March of Sacrifices

Moon Hunter Keep

Ruins of Mazzatun

Scalecaller Peak

Spindleclutch II

Wayrest Sewers II

White-Gold Tower



Crypt of Hearts II(ハーツ墓地2)


Fulminating Void no longer affects player pets.

・Fulminating Void(引き寄せ爆発?)はプレイヤーのペットには影響を与えなくなりました。


Sanctum Ophidia(聖域オフィディア)

Reduced the damage and radius of the Poison Blast ability, which is triggered when your character dies while affected by Spreading Poison.

・Poison Blast攻撃(Spreading Poisonに感染した状態で死んだプレイヤーが引き起こすダメージ)のダメージ値と範囲を減らします。

Possessed Mantikora(マンティコラ)

Player characters dying to lava in The Serpent’s Image pocket realm will now be immediately teleported back to the fight space.




Anniversary Jubilee(アニバーサリーイベント)

Fixed an issue where using the Jubilee Cake Mementos would not hide personality props in your hands.


Jester’s Festival(道化師祭り)

Corrected erroneous references to "Jesters Festival" instead of the correct "Jester's Festival".

・"Jester's Festival" を誤って "Jesters Festival" と記載している説明を修正しました。

Whitestrake’s Mayhem(ホワイトストレークの騒乱)

Changed the error message to something more human-readable when you attempt to use the Scroll of Pelinal's Ferocity off-holiday.




Fixed a large number of clipping, floating, sunken, or oddly placed harvest nodes, corpses, treasure chests, books, and critters throughout Tamriel.


Some types of interactable objects are now easier to interact with when near a Wayshrine.


Updated several descriptions from Outfit Styles to fit our newer description standards. Affected styles include:


Arthzand Armory

Black Fin Legion

Blackreach Vanguard




If your character dies while using the Relic of the Sentinel, your character will no longer maintain increased size.


Heavy Sacks now drop Potency Runes at all levels/passive ranks. The tier of Runes that drop is based upon either your current character level or crafting rank.




Fixed an issue that caused certain continuously lit furnishings to lose their lighting when you exited and re-entered the area.

Fixed an issue with previewing certain furnishings where they would appear to float above or sink into the floor.

Fixed a minor issue where some feathers on the crow in the “Crow Totem, Gruesome” luxury furnishing were totally black instead of being properly textured.

Fixed an issue that caused certain furnishings to be difficult to interact with when placed near other things you can interact with, even when looking straight at them.

Adjusted the selection point of the “Hourglass Banner, Akatosh” furnishing to be consistent with other similar furnishings.



・高級家具の “Crow Totem, Gruesome” のカラスの羽が正しいテクスチャで表示されず真っ黒になってしまう稀な問題を修正しました。


・“Hourglass Banner, Akatosh” の選択可能なポイントを他の同様の家具と同じになるよう調整しました。


Sealed up a few teensy tiny gaps between bricks in the interior stairs up to the chapel portion of Pantherfang Chapel.

Fixed an issue where a segment of the perimeter wall in Pantherfang Chapel could fade from view earlier than expected on certain settings.

Updated the prompt when exiting the basement of Sweetwater Cascades towards the courtyard from “Climb” to “Open”.

Fixed an issue where you could briefly see flooring beneath the trapdoor when exiting the Sweetwater Cascades Upper Tower.



・スウィートウォーター・カスケードにおいて、地下から庭へ向かう出口の表示を “Climb”から“Open”に修正しました。




Guild vendor related system mails are now nearly instant.

Fixed a rare crash related to asset unloading that would most commonly occur when running through cities.



Activity Finder(ファインダー)

You will no longer be able to "Find a Replacement" for an LFG group until the kicked/leaving player has zoned out of the dungeon to lessen the likelihood that the new player is unable to zone in.

Known Issue: There are some edge cases where disconnected players that are removed from the group can take longer to be removed from instances than intended. These are still being investigated and worked on.


